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Has your caravan/motorhome had its last outing for 2018 and ready to be put away for the season? 
When closing down your caravan or motorhome for over the Autumn/Winter period you need to ensure that you follow a few steps to ensure you don't have any issues when you want to use it again next year. 
Winter still seems a little way off but taking the time now to drain down your water system will avoid you having to worry about frozen or burst pipes over the winter which can be disastrous. The damage that can cause to not only the aesthetics but also the structure of your caravan or motorhome is immense. Draining down all the water from your caravan/motorhome is not a difficult process and can save a huge amount of expense and heartache. 
Follow these easy steps for a worry free Autumn/Winter: 
Open all taps (mixer taps ensure hot and cold water are both allowed to drain) 
Empty your caravan water heater – refer to manufacturers instructions 
Remove all water from your shower head 
Empty your on-board pump – refer to manufacturers instructions 
Empty all your water containers allow them to drain all excess water to prevent mould growth 
Make sure no water can be left in any pipes etc as even a small amount of water held in pipes can still cause problems. 
Leave water pipe tap valves and taps open to drain every last drop of water out. 
Give your caravan a good clean including the fridge and cooker to ensure any food residue or grease is removed to prevent anything nasty growing. 
Just spending a short time following these steps will save you time and money in the spring. 
#wintercheck #caravandraindown #motorhomedraindown #caravanmaintenance #motorhomemaintenance #caravanstorage #motorhomestorage #Burstpipes #Drainingdown 
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