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More and more people are touring all year round now since the staycation boom and many are still making plans for their first trip away, all being well this will be sooner rather than later when the lockdown eases and we will see things return to some normality. So, before you set off on your next adventure or start your new adventure, we have put together some tips for getting your new season off to the best start. 
Before you go 
Have a good thorough clean or even book a professional valet to do all the hard work for you and have your prize possession looking at its best. If you would rather clean it yourself look critically at anything that you didn’t use last season, do you really need to carry it with you? Or if new to touring try and look at what you do need and not what you think you need; extras can always be brought on your trip. Depending on where your vehicle has been standing or stored give the exterior a good clean and look at the roof to ensure no dirt can run down causing streaks down the sides. If you do have an awning roll this out also. If we are permitted to do so try and fit in a weekend away before any longer trips to make sure everything is running as expected, especially if this is your first adventure. 
Always thoroughly sterilise the freshwater system, including water containers and filling hose, after winter lay-up or any other lengthier period of storage. 
Always leave plenty of time to prepare, hopefully if we are permitted and you have taken your vehicle out for a weekend any minor fault or forgotten items will be sorted. Make sure you plan your journey with plenty of time and look for good stop off points (toilet breaks) especially if taking your children and pets. Also remember your traffic alert as with the staycation boom and everyone wanting to escape lockdown roads will be a lot busier! Also check the weather, you never know, but let’s stay optimistic. 

Important checklist 

Book early if you need an annual service, especially with dealerships being closed at present, remember most of them our offering online chat, so this can be done now. 
Even after an annual service, check the basics yourself before going away including: 
Tyres (pressure and condition) 
Wheel fixings 
Road light functions 
Oil, coolant, washer fluids for towcar and motorhome 
Smoke alarm CO batteries 
Fire extinguisher still in date 
Check that MOT / Tax isn’t going to expire on your towcar or motorhome whilst your away. Check your insurance renewals. 
But most important enjoy your adventure, and make memories, after all that’s why you brought your tourer to be an adventurer and look back at your adventures. 
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